Divorce & Family Law Articles

Family Law Attorney Serving Reno, Sparks, and Nearby Western Nevada

The holidays can be very stressful. As different sides of the extended family make their own demands for time and attention, the financial and emotional pressure of the season can create tensions that expose a relationship’s weaknesses. For many couples, the additional strain on relationships...

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In divorce proceedings, the plaintiff is the party who filed the suit. The defendant is the party who was served with divorce papers. Being the plaintiff or defendant provides no advantage in terms of property division, child custody and support, and other...

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Every divorce is different, but some are more cut and dry than others. When issues like high net worth are a consideration, divorce mediation and litigation can become very complex.

Factors that may become a unique concern for higher-...

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Divorce, even under amicable situations, can be a tremendously painful and trying experience. Understanding the keys for a successful divorce can help ease the process and ensure the most desirable outcome for all involved.

Of course, not everyone is going to get his or her way in a...

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The Law Office of Thomas C. Bradley is proud to welcome you to our preeminent online resource for family law in Reno.

In the future, we will be writing articles on various legal subjects that our clients find interesting and informative. For now, please...

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