Child Support Lawyer

Family Law Attorney Serving Reno, Sparks, and Nearby Western Nevada

In Nevada, both parents have an obligation to support their children, even after they divorce. Support includes caring for the child personally as well as providing financial support. When one parent has primary physical custody, the other parent will typically be required to make child support payments. But child support is sometimes ordered when there is joint custody if one parent’s income is higher than the other’s. Income is the primary factor that is considered in calculating child support amounts, but there are other factors that can affect the amount.

To learn how the Law Office of Thomas C. Bradley can help with your child support issue, call 775-323-5178 or email ( today to schedule your initial consultation. Mr. Bradley helps men and women from Reno, Sparks and other communities in Nevada.

Calculating Child Support

Nevada expects parents to contribute a certain percentage of their income to their children. That percentage varies according to how many children you have, and follows:

  • One child – 18%
  • Two children – 25%
  • Three children – 29%
  • Four children – 31%

When one parent has primary custody, they are doing the bulk of the work in raising the child and typically spending a significant amount of money on the child as well. The non-custodial parent is expected to contribute financially, according to the percentages above. However, a non-custodial parent may contribute in other ways which can lower their child support amount. And some children need more support for medical, educational, or other reasons.

For instance, a parent who pays the child’s health insurance premiums or pays for their child care may get a reduction in their child support amount. Conversely, if a child has high medical expenses, the parent may be ordered to pay more.

If the paying parent already has other support obligations, that may be considered and could reduce the support amount.

Child Support in Joint Custody

If a child spends at least 40% of their time with each parent, it is considered joint custody. Child support in joint custody is treated differently. The percentages listed above are applied to each parent’s income to determine each parent’s child support obligation. The parent with the higher obligation pays the difference between the two amounts to the parent with the lower income.

Caps on Child Support Amounts

Nevada also places caps on the amount of child support a parent can be ordered to pay. These caps are based on gross monthly income and are recalculated annually based on changes in the Consumer Price Index. The maximum monthly child support amounts for July1, 2018 through June 30, 2019 are as follows:

  • Income of $0-$4,234 = $711
  • Income of $4,235-$6,350 = $781
  • Income of $$6,351-$8,466 = $855
  • Income of $8,467-$10,584 = $924
  • Income of $10,585-$12,700 = $995
  • Income of $12,701-$14,815 = $1,065
  • Income of $14,816-No Limit = $1,138

Schedule Your Child Support Consultation Today

If you need help with a child support matter in Reno or Sparks, Nevada, please call the Law Office of Thomas C. Bradley at 775-323-5178 or contact us online so that we can set up your initial consultation.